604 240 6460 ppelletier@telus.net

Resolution and Intervention


Conflict Resolution

We specialize in assessing, investigating and resolving complaints and conflicts related to workplace disrespect, diversity, bullying and harassment (but we can handle other issues too). Even the best organizations run into trouble and conflict.  With a team of lawyers, trained mediators, counsellors and project managers, our resolution and intervention experts ensure issues are strategically addressed using various techniques including:

  • Team assessments and surveys to surface feedback safely.
  • ADR experts (mediation, arbitration or a hybrid) to resolve conflicts and promote learning and growth.
  • Facilitation of group discussions to problem-solve.



We investigate of allegations of wrong-doing or breaching policies and law  such  as respectful workplace or diversity policy violations, discrimination, harassment, bullying, professional misconduct and fraud, ensuring fairness and impartiality, and following all principles of due process. It is essential that organizations carefully risk manage these potentially explosive and emotionally-charged matters. Our experience shows that having unbiassed, impartial and trained outside experts conduct this work is more effective than trying to handle it “in-house”.


Whistle Blower Protection Services

We provide whistle blower protection facilitating confidential and safe intake and disposition of complaints and allegations of wrong-doing working with organizations to ensure resolution. Team conflict, a struggling leader, resistance to change, management-labour tension, effective and efficient resolution of complaints or ensuring corporate responsibility with whistle blower protection, you’ll find proven successful solutions to your workplace human resources challenges here.