Entrepreneur Article On Workplace Bullying
The January 2019 edition of Entrepreneur Middle East published my article on Effectively Addressing a Workplace Bully

Stop Bullying
The January 2019 edition of Entrepreneur Middle East published my article on Effectively Addressing a Workplace Bully
Stop Bullying
Honoured that PM World Journal published my recent article about the benefits of preventing and eliminating workplace bullying. The article is Profit, Productivity & Peace – The Business Case for Eliminating Workplace Bullying.
I’m honoured that PM World Journal published my article on Bullying In Project Management in the March 2016 Issue. Proud to be part of this prestigious international PM publication.
Thrilled to get a workplace bullying article published by PM.com and picked up by a blogger in the United Kingdom.
This is an excellent Harvard Business Review article on workplace bullying – with an actual successful bullying confrontation. I support the strategy recommended by the author.
A real life example for you to add to your bullying toolkit.
Have you encountered a similar challenge? If so, what did you do? What was the result?
Paul’s book – “Workplace Bullying – It’s Just Bad for Business” will be available in early January 2016. The book approaches workplace bullying from a business perspective, identifying the range of challenges and impacts that ripple through any organization. Designed as a handbook, it contains bullying prevention, management, and elimination strategies for organizations and everyone else.
Combining helpful statistics and research with practical information, the book provides implementable action plans for anyone impacted by bullying, regardless of industry, sector, or role. Whether you are an executive, a manager, a coworker, a target or a team leader, “Workplace Bullying – It’s Just Bad for Business” is an invaluable tool for coping with bullying in your organization.
Stay tuned for launch details.