604 240 6460 ppelletier@telus.net

Diversity Improves Board Performance

A recent Huffington Post article concludes that there’s mounting evidence that companies with diverse boards of directors are more likely to perform better than companies with no diversity.

A recent analysis by Credit Suisse of the performance of 2,360 companies around the world over a six-year period found that women add value to corporate decision making. As the analysis described it, the majority group improves its own performance in response to minority involvement — in this case, a male dominated board adding women who are independent and accomplished in their own right. It’s all about the mix.”

The result is a better outcome in a more diverse environment. In fact, the outcome is likely to be greater than the sum of its parts. It’s not only what the women and people of color bring to the table, it is also the fact that they’re at the table that improves the Board’s output. Now, there’s a win-win!

Diversity Matters

Diversity Matters